- # 741
- English
Collection titleHosting InstitutionMcGill University
Collection DescriptionIssues of student newspapers published at McGill University from 1875 to 2001KeywordsEducation, Quebec - # 742
- English
Hosting InstitutionUniversity of New Brunswick
Collection DescriptionYearbooks of UNB Saint JohnKeywordsEducation, New Brunswick - # 743
- English
Hosting InstitutionMemorial University of Newfoundland
Collection DescriptionIssues of The Evening Telegram published between 1919 and 1926KeywordsNewfoundland and Labrador - # 744
- English
Collection titleHosting InstitutionMemorial University of Newfoundland
Collection DescriptionDocuments relating to HMS Calypso while it served as a training vessel for the Newfoundland Royal Naval ReserveKeywordsMilitary, Newfoundland and Labrador, Transportation, War - # 745
- English
Collection titleHosting InstitutionMemorial University of Newfoundland
Collection DescriptionPhotographs and other documents relating to the Rossley Kiddie Company, an Atlantic Canada youth theatre troupe active in the 1910s and 1920sKeywordsTheatre, Youth - # 746
- English
Collection titleHosting InstitutionUniversity of Calgary
Collection DescriptionThis collection contains a selection of textual records and images from the James Wheeler Davidson Family fonds housed in Archives and Special Collections.KeywordsArctic, Asia - # 747
- French
- English
Collection titleHosting InstitutionCanadian Research Knowledge Network (Canadiana collections)
Collection DescriptionHistorical documents and artifacts relating to the War of 1812KeywordsEurope, Military, United States, War - # 748
- English
Hosting InstitutionMulticultural History Society of Ontario
Collection DescriptionIssues of The New Canadian, a newspaper published from 1939 to 1985 for a Japanese Canadian audienceKeywordsAsia, Visible minorities - # 749
- English
Hosting InstitutionLibrary and Archives Canada
Collection DescriptionImages, interviews, and article transcripts relating to the Central Canada Exhibition, a defunct festival that took place annually in OttawaKeywordsOntario - # 750
- French
Hosting InstitutionHéritage Shawinigan
Collection DescriptionHistorical photographs relating to Shawinigan, QuebecKeywordsLocal history, Quebec