- # 721
- English
Hosting InstitutionMemorial University of Newfoundland
Collection DescriptionVideos produced at Memorial University of Newfoundland from 1995 onwardsKeywordsInterviews, Newfoundland and Labrador, Speeches - # 722
- English
Collection titleHosting InstitutionMemorial University of Newfoundland
Collection DescriptionIssues of The Western Star, western Newfoundland's only daily newspaperKeywordsLocal history, Newfoundland and Labrador - # 723
- English
Collection titleHosting InstitutionEmily Carr University of Art and Design
Collection DescriptionArtwork by artists both from Canada and other countriesKeywordsVisual arts - # 724
- English
Collection titleHosting InstitutionUniversity of Calgary
Collection DescriptionThe Emerging Alberta Image Database includes 3200 photographs and political cartoons taken from the Alberta Report fonds held at the Provincial Archives of Alberta. To provide context, Alberta Report magazine covers are available along with a table of contents for the magazine. The site is divided into sections, or eras, to make it easier for you to find material relevant to your interests: The Oil Boom 1973 – 1984; Challenging Times 1985 - 1992; and New Albertan Spirit 1993 - 2003.KeywordsAlberta - # 725
- English
Hosting InstitutionMulticultural History Society of Ontario
Collection DescriptionIssues of L'Ami du Peuple, a French-language Catholic newspaper published in Sudbury, Ontario, between 1942 and 1968KeywordsLocal history, Religion - # 726
- English
Collection titleHosting InstitutionMulticultural History Society of Ontario
Collection DescriptionIssues of Vestnik, a Russian-language pro-Soviet newspaper published in Toronto between 1941 and 1998 for a Russian Canadian audienceKeywordsEurope, Minority languages, Politics - # 727
- English
Collection titleHosting InstitutionMcGill University
Collection DescriptionImages relating to Inuit, especially Inuit literature and interactions with Moravian missionariesKeywordsAboriginal peoples, Literature, Minority languages, Religion - # 728
- French
- English
Collection titleHosting InstitutionConcordia University
Collection DescriptionContemporary Canadian artworkKeywordsVisual arts - # 729
- English
Hosting InstitutionMemorial University of Newfoundland
Collection DescriptionYearbooks of Prince of Wales Collegiate, a high school in St. John'sKeywordsEducation, Newfoundland and Labrador - # 730
- English
Hosting InstitutionMemorial University of Newfoundland
Collection DescriptionEphemera produced in Newfoundland and LabradorKeywordsNewfoundland and Labrador