Emerging Alberta

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Collection Description:

The Emerging Alberta Image Database includes 3200 photographs and political cartoons taken from the Alberta Report fonds held at the Provincial Archives of Alberta. To provide context, Alberta Report magazine covers are available along with a table of contents for the magazine. The site is divided into sections, or eras, to make it easier for you to find material relevant to your interests: The Oil Boom 1973 – 1984; Challenging Times 1985 - 1992; and New Albertan Spirit 1993 - 2003. 

Each era includes a number of representative themes. For example, the Oil Boom includes Politics; Arts and Culture; & Sports and Leisure. The representative themes used for the different eras, Oil Boom, Challenging Times and the New Albertan Spirit, are a sample of the 13 themes which may be used to search the photo and image collection. Each theme section contains a timeline containing important events for that period.

Keyword :
Publicly Accessible?
Hosting Institution:

University of Calgary

Alberta (AB)
Collection Contact:

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