- # 991
- English
Collection titleHosting InstitutionDalhousie University
Collection DescriptionDocuments relating to the defunct Atlantic Centre of Excellence for Women's HealthKeywordsHealth care, Women - # 992
- English
Collection titleHosting InstitutionAcadia University
Collection DescriptionDocuments produced by the Canadian National Parks Association, an organization that operated between 1923 and 1952KeywordsEnvironmentalism - # 993
- English
Collection titleHosting InstitutionAcadia University
Collection DescriptionDocuments relating to Nova Scotia author John Frederic HerbinKeywordsFrench Canadians, Literature, Nova Scotia - # 994
- English
Collection titleHosting InstitutionUniversity of Prince Edward Island
Collection DescriptionOral histories of Prince Edward IslandKeywordsInterviews, Prince Edward Island - # 995
- English
Collection titleHosting InstitutionMemorial University of Newfoundland
Collection DescriptionAn encyclopedia about Newfoundland and Labrador, two volumes published in 1981 and the other three in 1994KeywordsNewfoundland and Labrador - # 996
- English
Collection titleHosting InstitutionUniversity of Victoria
Collection DescriptionHistorical records related to the University of Victoria Art CollectionsKeywordsVisual arts - # 997
- English
Hosting InstitutionAthabasca University
Collection DescriptionAlbertan and First Nations visual artsKeywordsAboriginal peoples, Alberta, Visual arts - # 998
- English
Collection titleHosting InstitutionManitoba Legislative Library
Collection DescriptionHistorical publications of the Manitoba GovernmentKeywordsGovernment, Law, Manitoba - # 999
- English
Collection titleHosting InstitutionBrock University
Collection DescriptionPeople of the Niagara PeninsulaKeywordsFamily, Local history, Ontario - # 1000
- French
Hosting InstitutionBibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec
Collection DescriptionEditions of the Almanach de Québec from between 1780 and 1841KeywordsQuebec