- # 611
- English
Collection titleHosting InstitutionMcGill University
Collection DescriptionImages relating to Canadian architect G. E. WilsonKeywordsArchitecture, Quebec - # 612
- English
Hosting InstitutionUniversity of New Brunswick
Collection DescriptionHistorical photographs relating to UNB Saint JohnKeywordsEducation, New Brunswick - # 613
- English
Hosting InstitutionMemorial University of Newfoundland
Collection DescriptionDocuments relating to the Memorial University of Newfoundland Medical School dating between 1967 and 1979KeywordsEducation, Health care, Newfoundland and Labrador - # 614
- English
Collection titleHosting InstitutionMemorial University of Newfoundland
Collection DescriptionPhotographs mostly of the community of St. Anthony in Newfoundland with a focus on the Grenfell Mission hospital and its staffKeywordsHealth care, Local history, Newfoundland and Labrador, Religion - # 615
- English
Collection titleHosting InstitutionMemorial University of Newfoundland
Collection DescriptionPoetry written by Canadian poet Richard Outram accompanied by artwork by his wife, Barbara Howard, on the occasion of her deathKeywordsLiterature, Ontario, Visual arts - # 616
- English
Collection titleHosting InstitutionUniversity of Calgary
Collection DescriptionPhotographs, programs, catalogs, corporate records, and other printed ephemera from Calgary Stampede Archives from 1908 - early 2000s.KeywordsAlberta, Animals, Sports - # 617
- French
- English
Collection titleHosting InstitutionCanadian Research Knowledge Network
Collection DescriptionBooks of English-language Canadian literature published from 1697 to 1900KeywordsLiterature, Theatre - # 618
- English
Hosting InstitutionMulticultural History Society of Ontario
Collection DescriptionIssues of Minchung Sinmun, a Korean-language newspaper published in Toronto for a Korean Canadian audience from 1979 to 1993KeywordsAsia, Immigration, Minority languages, Visible minorities - # 619
- English
Collection titleHosting InstitutionCanterbury High School
Collection DescriptionImages and other documents relating to the work of students at Canterbury High School, an arts magnet school in OttawaKeywordsDance, Education, Literature, Music, Ontario, Theatre, Visual arts - # 620
- French
- English
Collection titleHosting InstitutionFraser Hickson
Collection DescriptionDocuments relating to the Institut canadien de Montréal, a defunct liberal literary society, with an emphasis on the Guibord case, a legal dispute with the Catholic Church over the burial of one of the society's membersKeywordsLiterature, Local history, Politics, Quebec, Religion