- # 501
- English
Hosting InstitutionHaig-Brown House
Collection DescriptionArtefacts qui sont la propriété d'un défenseur de l'environnement canadien basé en Colombie-Britannique Roderick Haig-Brown, il y a aussi les photos de lui et sa femme dans cette collection.KeywordsBritish Columbia, Environmentalism - # 502
- English
Hosting InstitutionUniversity of Alberta
Collection DescriptionBook bindings created by Canadian bookbinder Pierre OuvrardKeywordsLiterature, Visual arts - # 503
- French
Hosting InstitutionUniversité de Moncton
Collection DescriptionPostcards, buttons, and medals relating to AcadiansKeywordsFrench Canadians - # 504
- French
- English
Hosting InstitutionNational Gallery of Canada
Collection DescriptionTranscriptions of visual-arts-related articles published in periodical publications by the National Gallery of Canada between 1963 and 1985KeywordsVisual arts - # 505
- English
Hosting InstitutionMemorial University of Newfoundland
Collection DescriptionDocuments relating to the production of salted fish in NewfoundlandKeywordsAnimals, Food, Newfoundland and Labrador - # 506
- French
- English
Collection titleHosting InstitutionThe Rooms
Collection DescriptionHistorical photographs of communities on the French Shore of Newfoundland and French hydrographic surveys of the area dating between 1713 and 1904KeywordsFrench Canadians, Newfoundland and Labrador, Geography - # 507
- English
Collection titleHosting InstitutionLibrary and Archives Canada
Collection DescriptionArtifacts relating to the North Shore (New Brunswick) Regiment's involvement in the world warsKeywordsMilitary, New Brunswick, War - # 508
- English
Hosting InstitutionSherbrooke Village
Collection DescriptionArtifacts relating to the Cummingers, a prominant merchant-class family in Sherbrooke, Nova Scotia around the time of ConfederationKeywordsFamily, Local history, Nova Scotia - # 509
- French
Hosting InstitutionArchives de Montréal
Collection DescriptionPhotographs taken in Montreal between 1920 and 1960KeywordsLocal history, Quebec - # 510
- French
Hosting InstitutionMusée du Bronze d'Inverness
Collection DescriptionBronze sculptures created by artists of QuebecKeywordsQuebec, Visual arts